Trade Your Bets User Guide

The Goal Profits Team
Hi, my name is Steve Brown. I founded Goal Profits back in 2011 and, a few years later, developed the Trade Your Bets value algorithm alongside professional trader Kevin Laverick.
In this User Guide, I'm going to explain how everything works, from setting up your bank properly to picking out bets and trades.
By the end, you'll understand exactly how the value algorithm works and you'll know how to use our Live Value Calculator and Live Value Shortlists tools.
Don't worry... It's all explained very clearly, using plain English.
If you get stuck at any point, please email [email protected]
The Goal Profits team (click here) has more than 75 years of trading experience and we're online 7 days a week. We're always happy to answer questions, review your results and do whatever we can to help you bank long-term consistent profits.
Right, let's get started!